Worldwide shipping delays: where we stand at ENI

Date: 08 September, 2021

Almost every company in our industry has been impacted in some way by the current situation of worldwide shipping delays.

At Ethical Naturals (ENI) we’ve been preparing for this since Covid began in early 2020: working with our key manufacturers to build inventory and assure ongoing supply to our regular customers. In a recent interview for NutraIngredients, Cal Bewicke, ENI CEO, talked about our inventory position today:

As soon as Covid began, we progressively built more inventory, planning six, nine months ahead. That’s worked well for us, and we’ve been shipping out pretty much on time throughout this period.

We always carry substantial inventory; now it’s even larger. A number of companies rely on our proprietary ingredients like AlphaWave® L-Theanine, GreenGrown® Glucosamine, and the core botanical extracts that we supply. We won’t let those companies down.

In answer to the question: ‘When do you anticipate it will return to normal?’ Cal stated:

Someday I expect we’ll return to a ‘new normal’, but I can’t say when that will be. The positive that’s come out of this situation is that many of us have come to see again the value of strong, dependable and well-invested supply chains at every level. That’s the way we move forward, by supporting each other in the quality investments of time and resources that we make into our industry. This goes for every step in the supply chain, from the field to the finished products.

At ENI, we work to support your work.
The Team at Ethical Naturals

Links to two articles of interest:
“Port snarl in China shows shipping crisis from far over”
“A record-breaking 44 container ships are stuck off the coast of California”.