
VinCare Clinical Study: Whole Grape Extract Supports Healthy Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Health

Grape extracts growing popularity Grape extracts of all kinds: skin, seed and whole grape are reaching a new level of popularity with supplement buying consumers. This may be because we’re dealing with the new lifestyle challenges of today, when the…

Cranberry’s unique A-Type PAC’s show significant UTH benefits through anti-adhesion acitvity (AAA)

Cranberry: the journey through nature and science Cranberries, the beautiful red fruits of Vaccinium macrocarpon ​have been valued for many centuries for both their food and medicinal qualities. Indigenous to N.America, cranberries were widely used by Native Americans. They quickly…

GreenGrown® glucosamine is USP grade, Non-GMO and Kosher Certified, protected by 20 patents

Glucosamine: history and nature​ Glucosamine was first identified and prepared in 1876 by Georg Ledderhose, through a process that involved the hydrolysis of chitin with concentrated hydrochloric acid. However it wasn’t until the 1960’s that its potential application in joint…

Polyphenol-C®: a new premium vitamin C for today provides wide-spectrum berry polyphenols

In 1747 James Lind conducted one of the first placebo controlled clinical trials on record when he tested 6 groups of sailors suffering from scurvy, with six different treatment regimens. Only oranges, lemons and limes were effective. Thereafter, British ships…

Alpha brainwaves: the key to the deep relaxation and the focused energy we need today?

L-Theanine and the mystery of tea​​ Tea, the beverage made from Camellia sinensis​,​ has been drunk for its beneficial effects for millennia. Legend has it that the Chinese emperor and herbalist Shennong discovered tea in 2737 BC. Shenong was famous for…

ENI’s GreenGrown® Vegetable Source Glucosamine now protected by 21 patents in 12 countries!

Now 21 patents cover manufacturing and identity testing of ENI’s GreenGrown® material in the U.S., China, Germany, France, UK, Netherlands, Japan, Mexico, Australia, Brazil, Canada and Korea. In addition to covering manufacturing by fermentation, ENI has developed a method to…

Ethical Natural’s takes center stage as today’s premium vegetable source glucosamine supplier

The list of suppliers of vegetarian based glucosamine is shrinking with the news that a major supplier is withdrawing from the market. Cal Bewicke, co-founder and president of ENI, told NutraIngredients-USA that a number of companies had contacted him in…