European Potency, Ethanol Extracted Milk Thistle Extract
Botanical Source: The ripe seeds of Silybum marianum
Product Code: E-MEP-17 (Ethanol Extraction Only)
Clinical studies confirm that milk thistle extract is widely supportive of healthy liver function, including in cases of hepatitis A, alcoholic liver disease, alcoholic cirrhosis, and toxin-induced liver diseases [1-3]
The bioactive components of the ripe seeds of Milk Thistle are known as silymarin, which is a mixture of flavonolignans. The main constituents are silybin, silydianin, silychristin and their isomers [4]. Silymarin is recognized as the active antihepatotoxic complex in milk thistle extract.
SilrynPower®: Ethanol Extracted, Acetone-free
Milk Thistle extracts are commonly manufactured using acetone as a solvent. This extract is manufactured using ethanol as a solvent and thus contains no acetone solvent residue.
SilrynPower®, HPLC tested:
Milk thistle extracts are usually standardized for the total content of silymarin at a level of 70-80% (tested by UV). While UV testing was the first well recognized method for verifying silymarin, recent improvements demonstrated that HPLC methodology provides more consistent and reliable results [5]. Every batch of SilrynPower® Milk thistle extract is tested by both UV and HPLC methods, and meets the following specifications:
Silymarin ≥ 80% (UV); Silymarin ≥ 50% (HPLC)
Silibinins ≥ 30% (HPLC); Isosilybins A & B 7~9% (HPLC)
All ENI botanical extracts are tested for identity, potency and purity through our NSF registered laboratory and ProfileProven® testing program.
[1] Abenavoli, L., et al (2010). Milk Thistle in Liver Diseases: Past, Present, and Future. Phytother. Res. 24: 1423–1432.
[2] Jacobs, B., P., et al. (2002). Milk thistle for the treatment of liver disease: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Am J Med.113 (6), 506-15.
[3] Loguercio, C., & FestiSilybin, D. (2011). Silybin and the liver: From basic research to clinical practice. World J Gastroenterol 17 (18), 2288-2301.
[4] Blumenthal, M., et al. (2000). Herbal Medicine, expanded commission E monographs, Integrative Medicine.
[5] Lee, J. I., et al. (2006). Separation and characterization of silybin, isosilybin and silychristin in milk thistle extract by LC-ESI-MS. J. Chromatogr A. 1116 (1-2), 57-68.